Donate today and help support  people with dementia gently, kindly, and with respect.

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could help recruit a person with the gentle nature and genuine care that make BlueCare staff so wonderful
could help train more BlueCare staff to deliver care in the manner of Sister Oliver - with kind, compassionate devotion
could help bring BlueCare to more Queenslanders, so they can maintain their freedom and independence

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BlueCare began with someone who cared, Sister Olive Crombie.

Your donation today will help continue Olive's legacy and train more BlueCare staff to care for elderly and vulnerable people in our community.

Sister Olive’s dedication to her patients lives on in the BlueCare team you know today with the same passion and dedication to support older people at home and care for those who are vulnerable and alone.

It is a precious and cherished responsibility to go into a person’s home and nurse them. Our staff must be trained to care for people with all sorts of complex health problems, including disability and dementia.

Most importantly, BlueCare staff must have the desire to support older people as Olive Crombie did. They must work with respect and compassion – and treat every patient as they would want their own mum or dad to be treated.

But without more exceptional staff, we cannot help the growing number of Queenslanders who deserve love and care in their old age.

Donate today

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Have you considered leaving a legacy of kindness?

When you leave a gift in your Will – also known as a bequest – you’ll be carrying the best care for older and vulnerable Queenslanders into the future.

After looking after the needs of your loved ones, leaving a gift in your Will ensures the kind and compassionate values you carry through life will continue in the legacy you leave behind.

Other ways to donate

If you’d prefer to donate over the phone, by BPAY or post, give our friendly Fundraising Support team a call on 1800 001 953 (9am to 4pm, Mon – Fri AEST).